Gates Mills
Electronic Recycling Day - 10/9/21
Thursday, Jan. 14th

Saturday, October 9, 2021 - 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Gates Mills Residents Only
Electronic Equipment Recycling - NO TVs!
Bring your retired electronic equipment to the Gates Mills Service Department to be recycled.
Acceptable Materials
- Computers/ laptops
- Tablets/e-readers
- Monitors (CRTS*, LCD, LED Flatscreens)
- Keyboards, mice, cords, and other peripherals
- Printers
- Cell phones
- Telecom equipment
- Networking equipment
- Servers
- Video games
- Stereo equipment
- Electronic equipment batteries
- All accessories and cables
- Ink and toner cartridges
- CD Players
- Cable boxes
- Media players
Non-acceptable Materials
- Televisions – older tube model, projection, consoles
- Household appliances
- Paint or oil
- Medical electronics
- Mercury containing items – thermostats, etc
- Ballasts
- Light bulbs
- Smoke detectors
- Freon containing appliances
*Note: CRT monitor drop off will incur a recycling fee.
Event Date
Saturday, October 9, 2021 - 9:00am to 12:00pm
Event Location
Gates Mills Town Hall - Service Department
1470 Chagrin River Road
Gates Mills, OH
See map: Google Maps