Police Department

Gates Mills Police Department
Proud to Serve…Sworn to Protect
From Your Police Department:
We have officially turned the calendar to Autumn which brings its own set of hazards. Do not make the mistake of thinking that this is an easy time for driving. Typically, this time of year has the highest number of traffic accidents based on miles driven. An increase in traffic accidents are in large part due to deer. Autumn marks the beginning of deer breeding season. They can often be seen near the edge of the road. Keep a sharp eye out for deer crossings and remember that deer are most active around sunrise and sunset. Also, rain during the season combined with fallen leaves can make roadways slippery. Leave additional distance between cars when it is raining to ensure adequate time for braking.
I wanted to share some personnel news in the police department:
Corporal John Richards who has been an active member of the regional Valley Enforcement Group (VEG) Swat Team has been promoted to serve as a sniper on the unit. Cpl. Richards has completed significant training and is now one of three snipers on the team. Gates Mills is one of 16 member agencies who make up the regional teams. These specialized teams consist of SWAT, Accident Investigation, Child Abduction Response Team (CART), Hostage Negotiation and Drone Team. Obviously, our goal is to never call in any of the specialized units, but the reality is we must be prepared for anything.
Ptl. Jessica Newsome has completed the Ohio Crime Prevention Association (OCPA) training course and is a Certified Crime Prevention Officer. Jessica is available to meet with residents and provide ways to lower your crime risk through prevention, personal safety, and home safety and security. Ptl. Newsome can be reached by email at jnewsome@gatesmillsvillage.com or by phone at 440.423.4405 x 132 to schedule a meeting, provide information, or for any questions.
On Monday, November 23, from 6:00-7:00 p.m., we will be hosting a Zoom “Safety Seminar”. We will be discussing safety tips and reminding residents of all our available police services. To participate, please register by emailing me (gminichello@gatesmillsvillage.com), to receive a participation link. Please be sure to pre-register by noon on Monday, November 16, 2020.
Until next month – Proud to serve…Sworn to Protect
Yours in Service,
Gregg Minichello
Chief of Police
(440) 423-4405 ext. 112