The Village property tax rate for taxes paid in 2021(Tax year 2020) is 131.28 mills. The effective millage rate is 87.35 but the actual amount paid is reduced by a tax rollback of 12.5%. The final annual tax obligation is $.0335 per dollar market value assigned by the County Auditor's office. The tax is distributed as follows: 57.84% to the Mayfield City School District, 24.16% to Cuyahoga County, 3.74% to the Cuyahoga County Library System, and 14.26% to the Village of Gates Mills. Property tax is billed by the Cuyahoga County Treasurer's Office semi-annually. Any questions concerning your valuation or tax should be directed to the Auditor's Office at (216) 443-7010.
Finance Department
Property Tax Rate
Property Tax Allocation
Distribution of property tax paid by Gates Mills residents in 2021 (Tax year 2020).