Service Department

Snow Removal

The snow and ice removal service on Village roadways is dictated by weather conditions with the main roads given first priority for plowing and salting to insure emergency accessibility and traffic flow. Secondary residential streets are plowed as soon as possible thereafter.

Snow removal and salting for Mayfield Road within the Village of Gates Mills is the responsibility of the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT).

The Village currently uses a combination of salt and # 8 slag on the roadways to prevent ice forming and to improve traction.


Service Director Dave Biggert Send Email
Service Manager Trevor Murfello
Asst. Service Manager John Pata
Village Mechanic Armando Farinacci
Laborer Les Hazlett
Laborer Jeff Mackie
Laborer Ben Pesuit
Laborer Ken Simmons
Laborer Ted Zalewski
Community Building Custodian Tom Majeski
Community Building Custodian Michael Feig