Village Officials

The Village of Gates Mills' political body consists of a Mayor, seven Councilmembers, a Clerk, and a Treasurer.

The Mayor is President of Council and presides at all meetings of Council. He or she is elected for a four-year term. The Council, at the time of its organization each year, chooses one of its members as President pro tem, who presides at meetings of Council in the absence of the Mayor/President of Council.

The Council consists of seven members elected at large for terms of four years. Every odd calendar year members of Council are elected at the regular Municipal election. Three members are elected at one regular Municipal election and two years later four are elected.

The Council holds a regular meeting in each calendar month. That meeting is held the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. as posted.

A majority of the members of the Council constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Council. Any ordinance or resolution may be passed or adopted, or any other action may be taken, by the affirmative vote of four members of the Council.

The Clerk of Council keeps a record of the Council meetings. He or she is elected for a term of four years. Click on Finance Department for more information about the Finance Department.

All meetings of the Council are open to the public, except as otherwise permitted by law.

The Mayor is available to meet residents by appointment. Please call (440) 423-4405 (Town Hall) for an appointment.

Title Official Term
Mayor Karen E. Schneider
President Pro tem Sandra Turner
Council Member Jay Chip AuWerter
Council Member Lawrence Frankel
Council Member Nancy Sogg
Council Member Craig Steinbrink
Council Member Sandra Turner
Council Member Ed Welsh
Council Member Ann Whitney
Law Director Todd Hunt
Prosecutor Mike Cicero
Treasurer Steve Siemborski
Assistant Treasurer Gail Palmer
Clerk Beth DeCapite
Tax Administrator Robert S. Reitman
Asst. Tax Administrator Janet Mulh
Finance Administrator Janet Mulh
Chief of Police Gregg Minichello
Police & Town Hall Coordinators Dorothy Slunski & Jean Misch
Fire Chief Tom Robinson
Service Director Dave Biggert
Service Manager Trevor Murfello
Building Official Dave Biggert
Village Engineer Chris Courtney