
Mayfield Pool

The Mayfield Pool is located at Mayfield High School, 6116 Wilson Mills Road, in Mayfield Village. Mayfield High School pool is a 6 lane, 25-yard pool with a shallow area for learn-to-swim swimmers. The pool area is also handicapped accessible, including a pool lift. It has a diving well with two 1-meter diving boards. The pool is used by the High School for gym classes and for the High School and Middle School Swim Team. The pool was built with the support of the four communities. It has been Mayfield's goal to have the communities continue to use the pool. A learn-to-swim program is open only to residents of Mayfield City School District - Gates Mills, Highland Heights, Mayfield Heights and Mayfield Village.

Available for Mayfield City School District residents ONLY.

For more information regarding the Pool and the Wildcat Sports & Fitness Complex, click here.


Art Show Bob Andreano Send Email
Art Show Co-Chair Bob Santoro Send Email
Friends of the Library Lisa Reid
Gates Mills Players Dale Fant
Holiday Activities Doug Webb
Holiday Activities Jocelyn Brogley
Mayfield Field House & Pool Liason Marie Salibra
Pickleball Jane Mitchell Send Email
Summer Concert Mary Reynolds
Tennis Clark Langmack