Finance Department

Property Tax Rate

The Village property tax rate for taxes paid in 2021(Tax year 2020) is 131.28 mills. The effective millage rate is 87.35 but the actual amount paid is reduced by a tax rollback of 12.5%. The final annual tax obligation is $.0335 per dollar market value assigned by the County Auditor's office. The tax is distributed as follows: 57.84% to the Mayfield City School District, 24.16% to Cuyahoga County, 3.74% to the Cuyahoga County Library System, and 14.26% to the Village of Gates Mills. Property tax is billed by the Cuyahoga County Treasurer's Office semi-annually. Any questions concerning your valuation or tax should be directed to the Auditor's Office at (216) 443-7010.

Property Tax Allocation
Distribution of property tax paid by Gates Mills residents in 2021 (Tax year 2020).


Finance Administrator Janet Mulh Send Email
Assistant Treasurer Gail Palmer
Income Tax Administrator Robert S. Reitman
Assistant Tax Administrator Janet Mulh Send Email
Treasurer Timothy Reynolds
Clerk Beth DeCapite Send Email
Town Hall Coordinator Jean Misch Send Email