Police Department

Gates Mills Police Department
Proud to Serve…Sworn to Protect
From Your Police Department:
Welcome to Summer!
As you are aware, we have no sidewalks in the Village, and many of our residents enjoy walking throughour beautiful area for exercise. We want to keep everyone safe! While driving please be aware and cautious of walkers in the roadways. Walkers please follow the tips below to ensure your safety.
If there is no sidewalk and you must walk on the side of the road, use the side where you are facing oncoming traffic. This is the left side of the road and it gives you the best chance to see traffic approaching so you can take evasive action if necessary.
Wear bright colors when walking during the daytime. When walking at night, wear light-colored or reflective clothing or a reflective vest to be visible. Drivers are often not expecting walkers to be out after dark, so you need to give them every chance to see you even at street crossings that may have crossing signals. Be just as cautious at dawn or twilight, as drivers have limited visibility or may even have the setting or rising sun directly in their eyes.
Do not drown out your environment listening to your earbuds or headphones. Keep the volume at a level where you can still hear bike bells, traffic noise, or warnings from other walkers and runners. Your audiologist will also thank you!
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate both Sergeant Michael Pollutro and Detective Sergeant Michael Day on their work anniversaries. June 8th marks the completion of Sgt. Pollutro’s 22nd year of service, and on June 1st Sgt. Day will complete his 19th year of service. Both are invaluable members of the department, and we are very fortunate to have them in the Village!
Unfortunately, Safety Town has been officially cancelled this summer due to the Covid-19 crisis we are experiencing. Our annual program hosted by Gilmour Academy is very popular, and we are certainly planning on returning in the summer of 2021. Other summer events in the Village are being discussed.
As always, please contact me if I can be of assistance.
Until next month – Proud to serve…Sworn to Protect
Yours in Service,
Gregg Minichello
Chief of Police
(440) 423-4405 ext. 112