Police Department

Pink Sheet - October 2020
Thursday, Oct. 8th

Gates Mills Police Department

Proud to Serve…Sworn to Protect

From Your Police Department:

Fall is upon us! I hope that you were able to enjoy and make the most of your summer. These are certainly challenging times.

I want to remind everyone that with students now returning to in classroom instruction,  we expect to see more people driving their children to school. Please be aware of the speed limit and school zones when driving.

With the General Election coming up in November, I want to make sure everyone is aware that stealing/removing political signs from the yards of others is considered a criminal offense. Please be respectful of all who publicly share their political views and their right to endorse candidates and issues of their choosing.

As you may have heard, we have had a few recent burglaries reported in the Village that occurred while the residents were out of town. I want to take this opportunity to encourage you to please notify us when you will be out of town so our patrol officers can keep an eye on your property while you are away. Also, let your neighbors know you are away and ask them to keep an eye on things as well. Stop any scheduled package deliveries, mail, newspapers, and most importantly do not post that you will be out of town on any social media platform. Most homes in the village are protected with a security system. It may be a good time to contact your provider and re-evaluate your system as technology constantly changes and improves. If you are not signed up to receive emergency notifications, please consider doing so. The notifications allow us to alert you with important information we feel needs to be shared immediately. To sign up go to our webpage, gatesmillsvillage.com and click on the Your 911 link on the right-hand side. If you need assistance, Town Hall Coordinator, Jean Misch, can assist you. Please contact her at the village hall 440-423-4405 ext. 111.

The week of September 6-12 was designated by the communities of The Chagrin Valley as “Salute Our First Responders Week”. I would like to take this opportunity, on behalf of the men and women of the police department, to thank Dave and Mary Gromelski of Sara’s Place who provided a take-out dinner for our officers!

Until next month – Proud to serve…Sworn to Protect

Yours in Service,

Gregg Minichello
Chief of Police
(440) 423-4405 ext. 112


To reach any member of the Police Department, Dial 440-423-4405 and then their extension
Chief Gregg Minichello x112 Send Email
Sergeant Randy Savage x129 Send Email
Sergeant Mike Pollutro x155 Send Email
Detective Sergeant Mike Day x128 Send Email
Corporal John Richards x179 Send Email
Patrolman Angela Suchetka x147 Send Email
Patrolman/SRO Arch Kimbrew x152 Send Email
Patrolman Dylan Hustosky x164 Send Email
Patrolman Charlene Strasshofer x158 Send Email
Patrolman Andrew McKillen x136 Send Email
Patrolman Jessica Newsome x132 Send Email
Police & Town Hall Coordinator (Part-time) Dorothy Slunski x120 Send Email