Gates Mills

Virtual Meetings

Watch Virtual Meetings Live via Livestream Village meetings will be LIVESTREAMed on YouTube Click here for the link to the Village YouTube Channel. Don't Forget to Subscribe! OR Refer to the specific meeting information on the on-line calendar...Read more

Gates Mills 50th Anniversary Art Show

Art show 2018
50 th Anniversary Juried Art Show in Gates Mills Gates Mills Community House 1460 Chagrin River Road Sunday, August 29, 2021- Sunday, September 12, 2021 Exhibit Hours: Noon-3 PM & 7-9 PM Weekdays; 1-5 PM Weekends The Art Show in Gates Mills' mission is to encourage and promote the diverse aesthetics and ideals that reflect the artistic work of Gates Mills and Surrounding communities. You...Read more

Long Range Financial Planning Commission Report

Below is the Final Draft of the Long Range Financial Planning Commission report as of 4/1/21 LRP FINAL DRAFT 4 1 21.pdfRead more

First Enegery & Power Outages

If your power is out, please report the outage to First Energy at 888-LIGHTS (888-544-4877) - even if you think your neighbors have called. This will help them appropriately monitor and account for outages. Here is a link to First Energy's helpful guide to what to do if you lose power. For Current outages click https...Read more

Cuyahoga County Public Library - Adapting to Serve You Better

Cuyahoga County Public Library
The Cuyahoga County Public Library is open and ready -adapting to serve the needs of the public as the technology and the times are evolving. Check out this video to see all that the Library has to offer. more

What is a Riparian Setback?

CRWP - Riparian
Enjoy this 20 minute video from the Chagrin River Watershed Partners about the importance of maintaining a heathly stream. Learn what a Riparian area is and what Riparian setbacks are all about. Click HERE to watch the video on the Village of Gates Mills YouTube channel. And for more information, join the Virtual Public Hearing on Oct. 7th @ 6:00 p.m.Read more

Deer Culling Forms

Deer culling forms for the 2020/21 Hunting Season are available on-line and in the Town Hall Vestibule. The 2020-21 hunting season runs September 26, 2020-February 7, 2021. On-line forms can be accessed below. Please print the forms and return all completed forms with the $25.00 application fee, (checks payable to the Village of Gates Mills), to: Gates Mills Police Department Attn: Sgt. Mike...Read more

Rx Drug Drop Box Program

The Cuyahoga County Sheriff’s Department is continuing to fight the ongoing battle against the heroin and opiate epidemic. As part of its prevention effort, the CCSD has provided over 42 municipalities across Cuyahoga County with Drug Drop Boxes. Drug Drop Boxes provide a safe, environmentally friendly way for citizens to dispose of their unwanted or unused prescription drugs. Unused...Read more

Cuyahoga County Solid Waste District Webinar Events

The Cuyahoga County Solid Waste District offers many summer Webinar programs that support sustainable materials management and reduce the environmental impact of waste. Some upcoming events cover topics such as recycling, reducing waste in our homes/businesses and composting. Check out their Events page and sign up for a webinar today.Read more
