Gates Mills

Marston Park - Paver Order Form

Looking for a way to honor, memorialize or recognize someone? Why not order a Legacy Paver to be placed in the tennis patio area of the Gates Mills Marston Park? An 8" x 8" Paver can be ordered for $250. Additional pavers ordered at the same time are $150 each. Tax--deductible under 170(c)(1) Internal Revenue Code. To order, print off the attached paver order form landscape.pdf and mail...Read more


WATCH THE VIRTUAL PARADE ON THE VILLAGE YOUTUBE CHANNEL CLICK HERE to view Before the traveling Neighborhood Parade moves through the streets in your area on July 4th, take a stroll down memory lane by watching highlights of parades over the past thirty-five years. You may catch a glimpse of your family, friends, and neighbors. (Did we really dress that way?) These pictures and videos were...Read more

Chagrin Riverbank Stabilization Completed in the Village

The Village of Gates Mills completed a bio-engineered bank stabilization project in April 2019 to address erosion on three privately owned parcels between Old Mill Road and Chagrin River Road. This section of the Chagrin River is designated State Scenic and supports recreational fishing; however, upstream development contributes to increased stormwater runoff and bank destabilization. The...Read more

MEETUP SPOT – For Safe Internet Sales Transactions

Gates Mills has placed an internet MEETUP SPOT sign on Village Property located in the Vestibule of Town Hall. This location is designated as a safe sales transaction location for all legal online sales. This location is observed by cameras that are recorded digitally. Residents are welcome to use this location to make the transfer of items sold online.Read more

"Your 911"

Sign up Now for “Your 911” A Safety Application that links you directly to your local safety forces and provides emergency situation or critical community alerts. Smartphone users can download this FREE App for a one-button emergency link to your local dispatch center and to receive Emergency notifications. (Code Red replacement) Go to either the Apple App Store or the Google Play...Read more


"STAR SPANGLED VILLAGE - THE FAMILY GETS TOGETHER" Two parade themes were combined to create our 2021 Independence Day Parade theme. Join us for our annual (and TRADITIONAL) 4th of July parade. The parade forms at Noon and steps - off at 1:00 p.m. Meet afterwards at the Polo field to spend time with your friends and neighbors...Read more

Household Hazardous Waste Round-Up 5/18/21

Tuesday, May 18, 2021 7:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Rear Service Area of Village Hall Acceptable Items: Oil or solvent-based paints, sealers, primers, varnish, polyurethanes, shellacs, spray paints, automotive fluids, kerosene, gasoline, lighter fluid, pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, paint thinner, mineral spirits, turpentine, caustic household cleaners, adhesives, roof tar, driveway sealer, and...Read more

Adoption of Ordinence No 2017-13; International Property Maintenance Code

At the June 13, 2017 Council Meeting, Council passed Ordinance No 2017-13, an Ordinance adopting new Chapter 1377 of the codified ordinances to adopt the 2015 edition of the International Property Maintenance Code. Press Ordinance No 2017-13.pdf to read the Ordinance To read the 2015 International Property Maintenance Code press here .Read more

NOPEC Funding Main$pring Program Information

Did you know that as a NOPEC community member, you may be eligible to receive a reduction on a home improvement loan interest rate? For more information, check out NOPEC Funding-Mainspring-June-20170608.3docx.pdfRead more

Easter Egg Drive Thru Pick-Up

Out of an abundance of caution due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Village of Gates Mills has CANCELLED its annual Easter Egg Hunt. We are, however, providing Easter eggs for children/grandchildren of Gates Mills for you to host your own hunt in your own yards. PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED - IS NOW CLOSED FRIDAY, April 2, 2021 2:00 p.m. - 4:00-p.m. (or until all eggs are distributed) Village Hall...Read more
