Police Department

Virtual Crime Prevention Meeting

refuse to be a victim
Crime Prevention Meeting Hosted by Crime Prevention Officer Jessica Newsome, CPS & John DiPietro, CPS, Past President & Senior Instructor for the Ohio Crime Prevention Association Monday, April 12 at 6:00 PM, ZOOM meeting JOIN the ZOOM Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86011779928?pwd=S2ppQXhXNnVpTkNFN0llN2RnZ2RqUT09 Meeting ID: 860 1177 9928 Passcode: 179314 One tap mobile +16465588656,,...Read more

Drug Take-back Day - April 24, 2021

Drug Take Back
On Saturday, April 24, 2021 the Police Department will be accepting expired or unwanted medications at Village Hall between 10am and 2pm. Simply bring your unwanted or expired prescription drugs* to the Town Hall. For questions call (440) 423-4405 or email Detective Mike Day. mday@gatesmillsvillage.com *NO creams, liquids or needles of any kind .Read more

Safety Awareness Seminar - Zoom Meeting 11/23/20

Community Awareness & Safety Seminar Monday, November 23, 2020 6p.m. - 7 p.m. Held virtually via ZOOM. Please join us as we discuss some best practices to residential and personal safety for you, your family, your property and your community in today’s dynamic world. Please register by November 16 through email ( gminichello@gatesmillsvillage.com ) to receive an invite code for this...Read more

Pink Sheet - November 2020

Gates Mills Police Department Proud to Serve…Sworn to Protect From Your Police Department: We have officially turned the calendar to Autumn which brings its own set of hazards. Do not make the mistake of thinking that this is an easy time for driving. Typically, this time of year has the highest number of traffic accidents based on miles driven. An increase in traffic accidents are in...Read more

Pink Sheet - October 2020

Gates Mills Police Department Proud to Serve…Sworn to Protect From Your Police Department: Fall is upon us! I hope that you were able to enjoy and make the most of your summer. These are certainly challenging times. I want to remind everyone that with students now returning to in classroom instruction, we expect to see more people driving their children to school. Please be aware of the...Read more

Pink Sheet - September 2020

Gates Mills Police Department Proud to Serve…Sworn to Protect From Your Police Department: I hope everyone is staying safe during these challenging times. We have all had to adjust our lifestyles to limit exposure and we hope the Covid-19 pandemic will pass soon. I again want to thank residents who delivered masks for our officers. As you know the Town Hall is not staffed 24 hours a day...Read more

Deer Culling Forms

Deer culling forms for the 2020/21 Hunting Season are available on-line and in the Town Hall Vestibule. The 2020-21 hunting season runs September 26, 2020-February 7, 2021. On-line forms can be accessed below. Please print the forms and return all completed forms with the $25.00 application fee, (checks payable to the Village of Gates Mills), to: Gates Mills Police Department Attn: Sgt. Mike...Read more

Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over

drive sober
2020 DRIVE SOBER OR GET PULLED OVER The U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is joining forces with law enforcement nationwide for the 2020 Labor Day Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over high-visibility enforcement campaign, which runs from August 21 through September 7, 2020. The Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over enforcement campaign coincides with the...Read more

Pink Sheet

Gates Mills Police Department Proud to Serve…Sworn to Protect From Your Police Department: With the Fourth of July quickly approaching, here is what you need to know about fireworks. The public may purchase consumer fireworks from a licensed wholesaler or manufacturer, but those fireworks cannot be discharged anywhere in the State of Ohio. Ohio’s fireworks laws are written to protect...Read more

Pink Sheet

Gates Mills Police Department Proud to Serve…Sworn to Protect From Your Police Department: Welcome to Summer! As you are aware, we have no sidewalks in the Village, and many of our residents enjoy walking throughour beautiful area for exercise. We want to keep everyone safe! While driving please be aware and cautious of walkers in the roadways. Walkers please follow the tips below to...Read more
