News Article - Pink Sheet
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Gates Mills Police Department
Proud to Serve…Sworn to Protect
From Your Police Department:
Police Department
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Gates Mills Police Department
Proud to Serve…Sworn to Protect
From Your Police Department:
Submitted by villageadmin on
Gates Mills Police Department
Proud to Serve…Sworn to Protect
From Your Police Department:
Welcome to Summer!
Submitted by villageadmin on
Gates Mills Police Department
Proud to Serve…Sworn to Protect
From Your Police Department:
With the warmer weather hopefully on its way, we can expect to see an increase in bicyclists and pedestrian traffic on the roads located throughout our beautiful scenic village.
Submitted by villageadmin on
Gates Mills Police Department
Proud to Serve…Sworn to Protect
From Your Police Department
Submitted by villageadmin on
Gates Mills Police Department
Proud to Serve…Sworn to Protect
From Your Police Department:
Welcome to Tax Season!! As we all know, this is the time of the year that criminal imposters are in full force looking to prey upon unsuspecting victims. Below are some valuable tips from the Cuyahoga County Department of Consumer Affairs that can help you avoid becoming a victim.
Submitted by villageadmin on
CANCELLED due to the Coronavirus pandemic
On Saturday, April 25, 2020 the Police Department will be accepting expired or unwanted medications at Village Hall between 10am and 2pm. Simply bring your unwanted or expired prescription drugs* to the Town Hall.
For questions call (440) 423-4405 or email Detective Mike Day.
*NO creams, liquids or needles of any kind.
Submitted by villageadmin on
Gates Mills Police Department
Proud to Serve…Sworn to Protect
From Your Police Department:
Submitted by villageadmin on
Congratulations to Gates Mills Police Department on winning a AAA Community Traffic Safety Program Platinum Award!
AAA awarded the Community Traffic Safety Platinum Award to the Gates Mills Police Department. This is the fourth consecutive year the department has received the award.
The Platinum Award is given to departments that work to make their community safer through a variety of activities. Only 16 police departments in Northeast Ohio received the award this year. The winners were honored at a luncheon held at Embassy Suites in Independence.
Submitted by villageadmin on
Gates Mills Police Department
Proud to Serve…Sworn to Protect
From Your Police Department:
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